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This has been a busy few weeks! I presented my first conference talk at the awesome Midwest UX. (YAY again!) Highly recommended, great conference.

It’s also been great month (or three??) for reading. Not only did Felicia Day’s biography come out on August 11, but SUPER BETTER also arrived at my door step two weeks back. So excited to have two awesome women writing about both games and becoming more awesome at the same time. Double awesome!

I’ve just finished Felicia’s book and am on to Jane’s. I could really empathize with Felicia’s account of her struggles with the creative process, drive for perfection, and overall nerdiness. Also, man is it an entertaining read. Felicia is a beyond entertaining while talking about something totally mundane, and this book goes beyond beyond and is chock full of insane and weirdly inspiring stories. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ALREADY! I admit, it has also inspired me to increase my already liberal use of all caps and exclamation marks. Now go buy it.

I’m just starting Jane’s book, but if you haven’t heard of her, you might start by checking out these excellent and inspiring TED talks of hers (below). Yeah, I’m a TED junkie. WHAT OF IT? See, I told you the all caps were out of control.

But seriously. This woman knows games, and self-improvement, and mashes the two together in the best way possible. Where’s a hearty-eyed emoji when I need it? <3 More info here on her site.

AND here they are together!

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